Our Vision
St Mark's Eccles C.E. Primary School
We love God's world, we care for God's world, we are His stewards. 'God saw all that he had made and he saw that it was very good'. Genesis 1:31
Inspired by learning in beautiful surroundings of God’s creation, we have become a school community that flourishes in learning and life. At St Mark's, we are a small, close-knit community who love and care for each other, echoing God’s love and care for us (Genesis 1). We are part of His world and Genesis tells us we are made in His image; all of us are important. Through knowing and nurturing each and every one of our school family, every voice at St Marks’ is heard and valued, allowing every individual to be the best they can be. Our children both aspire to be, and embrace the honour of being, God’s stewards throughout their broad, rich learning journey at St Mark’s, and as they go out into the world as global citizens to be God’s stewards of the future.
Please contact us if you are interested in your child attending St Mark's; we are always pleased to give you a tour of our lovely school.
New Intake 2025 Open Afternoons
Please call our office to make an appointment on 01622 717337
A reminder that KS1 will be at the Church on the afternoon of Thursday 12th December and that KS2 will be there on Tuesday 17th December.