St Mark's Eccles C.E. Primary School


PE - Our PE day is a Tuesday. Please come in in your PE kit- black tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a red t-shirt. Can long hair be tied back and earrings taken out. 

Homework- Homework will be sent home on a Friday and is due back by the following Thursday. 

Reading Books- Reading books (phonics books) will be changed on a Wednesday and Friday.  Library books (books to be shared or read to the children) will be changed Every Wednesday. Please bring reading books to school daily.




    Teacher- Mrs Roberts & Mrs Jones

        Teaching Assistant - Miss Vince & Mrs Kempton




Well done to this week's vision award winner - Elsie-Leigh for her lovely poetry writing and working hard with her cursive handwriting.



Our Weekly Learning- Take a look at what we have been doing!

Week Beginning 30th September 2024

  • In maths we have been ordering numbers and counting in tens.
  • In English we have been planning our own stories.
  • We have been thinking about what makes us feel happy in PSHE.

Week Beginning 23rd September 2024

  • In RE we have been reading and retelling parables and thinking about their meanings. We have been exploring how our parents show us they love us and how we show them and thinking about how Christians show their love to God.        



  • In Maths we have been looking at ordering numbers and finding numbers on a number line.
  • In English we have been creating our own aliens and planets and describing them using adjectives. To help us with our ideas we did some role play, acting out being on a planet.                                               


 Week Beginning 16th September 2024

We have had a fun week this week . We have been learning how to log on and off the chrome books, opening files and playing games. We have also been retelling a story to each other using our own story maps.




 Week Beginning 9th September 2024

  • In English we have been looking at the story 'The Man on the Moon'
  • In Maths we have been writing numbers in numerals and words.
  • In PSHE we have discussed what makes us special and what we are good at.
  • We were practicing going round and over obstacles in a circuit in our PE lesson this week.



Termly Overview

bartram newsletter term 1.pdf


Useful Websites