Rob Ryan Class
Class teacher: Mr Whenman
Teaching assistants: Mrs Beadle/Mrs Stannard
We make every effort to praise and reward reading at St Mark's. But why? Take a look at the facts...
We are encouraging all children to spend at least 20 minutes-a-day reading at home. So that we know that you have been reading, it is important that you record your 'read' in your reading record and bring it to school everyday. This year, children can earn bookmarks, mystery golden books and badges. We also devote time in our Friday Worship to give recognition to those dedicated readers. If you would like to know more, take a look at the 'Reading Champions' information letter below.
reading rewards at st mark.pdf
Key Information for Term One
- PE is every Wednesday so children should arrive at school wearing PE kit suitable for outdoor learning and inline with our uniform policy.
- Any belongings brought to school should be clearly labelled e.g. clothing, lunch boxes, water bottles etc.
- Leave all your bits and bobs at home - you won't need your own stationery, toys or games.
- Home learning will be sent home every Friday. On some occasions you will need to login to Google Classroom to complete the learning. All home learning is to be completed by the following Wednesday unless stated otherwise.
The Daily Mile
Healthy body, healthy mind! In Rob Ryan Class we are keen to join The Daily Mile movement. We ask that children bring an old pair of trainers in order to participate. We will using our fabulous school grounds to complete a daily mile and don't worry, children will be completing their daily mile at their own pace. They can run, walk or even hop their daily mile if they wish!
Term One Overview of Learning
term overview for term one.pdf
Term Two Overview of Learning
term overview for term two.pdf