PSHE(including RSE)
‘God saw all that he had made and he saw that it was very good’.
Genesis 1:31
Inspired by learning in beautiful surroundings, we have become a school community that flourishes in learning and life. When we reflect on the wonder that is God’s creation, we are encouraged to grow into enthusiastic learners who respect, value and reach out to others on their own learning journey.
Jesus said, “I have come in order that you might have life; life in all its fullness.”
John 10:10
PSHE at St Mark's develops mindful children with positive health and wellbeing
At St Mark's Church of England school we care passionately about well-being, British values, mindfulness, health and relationships and economic education. PSHE is taught in classes on a weekly basis. We share the weekly news using Picture News which is designed to provide opportunities for children to learn from our world and develop respect for other's beliefs, feelings and faith. It also allows explore, discuss, challenge and reflect on their own thoughts and beliefs.
Our PSHE curriculum develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which will enable children to access the wider curriculum and prepare them to be a global citizen now and in their future roles within a global community. It promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life. Our Relationships and Health Education (RSE) enables our children to learn how to be safe, and to understand and develop healthy relationships, both now and in their future lives.
We use the National Curriculum and Kapow to deliver PSHE and RSE lessons. Our self-developed ‘Pilgrim Progress’ assessment procedures provide support for staff and pupils to monitor their progress against the gaining of key skills and knowledge. We provide learning that begins with an individual child's starting point. The foundation stones to a successful education lie in the acquisition of basic skills and knowledge.
The Kapow Primary Scheme is a whole school approach that consists of three areas of learning in EYFS (to match the EYFS Personal, social and emotional development prime area) and five areas of learning across Key stages 1 and 2.
- Self-regulation
- Building relationships
- Managing self
Key stage 1 and 2:
- Families and relationships
- Health and wellbeing
- Safety and the changing body
- Citizenship
- Economic wellbeing
Each area is revisited to allow children to build on prior learning. The lessons also provide a progressive programme.
The lessons are based upon statutory requirements for Relationships and Health education, but where the lessons go beyond those requirements (primarily in the Citizenship and Economic wellbeing areas) they refer to the PSHE Association Programme of Study which is recommended by the DfE.
Sex education has been included in line with the DfE recommendations and is covered in Year 6 of our scheme.
For those children with additional, identified needs or a barrier to learning we adapt our teaching in many different ways. including:
- role play
- visual aids / actions / symbols
- pre-teaching of new vocabulary/ visual wordbanks
- use of familiar representations / connect similar ideas
- pictorial examples
- set a target amount of work
- read or scribe where needed
See Below for a detailed plan of our mixed age planning.
cm mixed age rse pshe longtermplan 11 07 24.pdf
Once taught the full scheme, children will have met the objectives set out within the Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance and will be equipped to utilise their learning within their daily lives, from dealing with friendship issues to resilience to making healthy choices and knowing where and how to get help when needed.